December always includes some struggle for me. We are sold happy and bright and joy and peace and I’ve always tried so desperately hard to be that. It doesn’t work. Being happy and bright is not my 24/7. Especially in cold wintering months. As a way of honoring the ebb and flow my intention for December is to embrace the homecoming I feel each time I practice yoga. Yes I mean yoga asana on the mat, but also the yoga practice off the mat. The gifts of yoga that provide me more patience, love, acceptance, and vulnerability with myself, family, friends, and strangers.
My wish for each of you this month and always is that you may come home to yourself through breath, pause, meditation, asana, and self compassion.
“What is home? My favorite definition is “a safe place,” a place where one is free from attack, a place where one experiences secure relationships and affirmation. It’s a place where people share and understand each other. Its relationships are nurturing. The people in it do not need to be perfect; instead, they need to be honest, loving, supportive, recognizing a common humanity that makes all of us vulnerable.”