Three lessons from Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
I’ve been seeing a Pelvic floor physical therapist for the past six months. Here’s a little background and three lessons to share from my experience.
First, I must begin with advocating for pelvic floor physical therapy to be normalized in routine medical care. Pelvic floor physical therapy is routine care for (especially postpartum) women in many developed countries, but not in the good ole’ USA. No doubt because it’s less normalized here, finding a pelvic floor PT specialist in your town is akin to finding an alicorn (you know not just any old unicorn but one that also flies).
Instead, it’s more common to ignore or feel ashamed rather than seek treatment. And (if you are at all like me) occasionally make jokes with girlfriends about how you pee yourself a little when you _____ laugh, cry, sneeze, cough, run, jump, etc... Ha, ha funny, no? Even more hilarious might be chronic back stress or pain during intercourse. It doesn’t have to be this way.
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December always includes some struggle for me. We are sold happy and bright and joy and peace and I’ve always tried so desperately hard to be that. It doesn’t work. Being happy and bright is not my 24/7. Especially in cold wintering months. As a way of honoring the ebb and flow my intention for December is to embrace the homecoming I feel each time I practice yoga. Yes I mean yoga asana on the mat, but also the real yoga practice off the mat. The gifts of yoga that provide me more patience, love, acceptance, and vulnerability with myself, family, friends, and strangers.
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Reflections as The Be You Hub Turns One
November marks the one-year anniversary of the Be You Hub, my online yoga + fitness studio. I launched the Hub at a messy time. We were all knee deep in the pandemic and I’d just signed off as Partner/Co-Owner of the former studio.
I haven’t shared much about that. It was an unhealthy period and I needed to step away. Through all the messiness, my movement practice was my shoulder to lean on. The practice held me up, showed me my own strength, gave me tough love, and cushioned my fall.
Coming off that time I drew on my inner strength to launch my online platform. I called it the Be You Hub because it was full of all the things that had/were helping me bravely and authentically be my best self. I simply hoped the message and the classes would be what others wanted/needed too.
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